Wednesday, October 05, 2005

HIV/AIDS Awareness article in Nuvo (

My very first cover story for an alternative weekly was published today in Indianapolis' own Nuvo. The story is also available online at, specifically at

The story was written over the course of a month or so by interviewing four people in the Indianapolis area living with HIV/AIDS. I found them through Gina Pope-King, a photographer who has been chronicling these same people since about this time last year. She chose these four to represent an unconventional look at people in Indiana with HIV/AIDS to show that they don't all fit into a stereotype.

Previously for Nuvo, I wrote an article about HIV testing, This article has more statistics about the virus in Indiana and the AIDS walk article is more of a personal look at the people who are affected and infected.

I am also walking in this year's AIDS walk in Crown Hill Cemetery on Sunday, Oct. 9 and encourage others to at least come out for the day and see Pope-King's photos at the Mausoleum as part of the event.

For more information about the AIDS walk, please visit


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