Thursday, August 21, 2008

Olympics... 2010!

So there's this thing wrapping up pretty soon called the Olympics in Beijing. Yes, I've watched a number of events. I don't have cable, so I've missed whatever wasn't good enough for the NBC network station, but I've definitely been entertained.

But in commenting on my friends' blog, I remembered that Matt and I have been talking about going to the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. And, the mascots for it are super cute!

is the link to see the mythical creatures based on legends of the West Coast First Nations -- a sea bear, that is a whale in the water, and a bear on land; a sasquatch who likes hockey and taking photos; and an animal spirit who "wears the hat of the orca whale, flies with the wings of the mighty thunderbird and runs on the strong furry legs of the black bear." It sounds a little kooky, but I think it's fun. They even have a little movie.


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